Do You Feel...

  • Lost about how and who to sell your art to?
  • Your sales process is either too complicated or missing entirely?
  • Panicked about the thought of making sales calls?

I built this course to help artists just like you. Watch the video to learn more about me and how this course can teach you to sell your art!

What If. . .

  • You knew how to build an effective email list of  potential clients to market to and how to approach them in different ways to sell your art.
  • You learned a proven sales process and how to approach potential clients to have sales success.
  • You could implement the 'art' of a great warm or cold sales and be totally comfortable doing it!


Sales Class For Artists: How To Sell Your Art

Learn all aspects of selling your art including:

  • Who and where to sell your art
  • List building marketing
  • Pricing your art
  • Proven sales process
  • Handling objections
  • Creating mockups
  • Sales scripting
  • Email newsletters
  • Conducting sales calls
  • How to seek out opportunities 
  • Planning your marketing to sell for the entire year.
Yes, I want to sell my art!

By the end of this course you will have . . .

  • A growing list of potential clients to market your art to.
  • A seven step sales system that allow you to confidently reach out and  sell your art.
  • A plan of action to help you achieve your sales goals.
Join Us

What my students are saying

Kirby Fredendall, Philadelphia, PA

"Six years ago, I saw an online announcement for an artist’s workshop that Bridgette Mayer was holding at her gallery in Philadelphia. I went to that presentation, sat in the front row, and took the plunge when Bridgette announced that she was taking on 5 coaching students. Since then, I have taken advantage of nearly every coaching experience Bridgette has offered, most recently her Master class. I cannot say enough about how Bridgette’s guidance has pushed my painting career to higher and higher levels. Through Bridgette’s teaching and support, I have learned how to create a successful art career on multiple levels…from the nuts and bolts of building a resume, approaching a gallery, and building a collector base to the perhaps more important part - believing in myself and creating the right positive energy around my art career. For me, this positive energy revolves around three core concepts. I now set goals that are higher than any I imagined prior to working with Bridgette. The work I did in her Master class led to a doubling of my income from the prior year. I now cast a considerably wider net in terms of creating an audience for my work and as a result I have collectors on both coasts and across the country."

Holly Wong, San Francisco, CA

"I was a student in Bridgette's Art MBA program and completed the program with her in 2021.  I have also been coached by Bridgette 1:1 since 2020.  Her impact on me has been transformational…
When I initially started to work with Bridgette, I had commercial gallery representation in my region, but she encouraged me to pursue a second gallery outside my region and to connect directly with art consultants.  As a direct result of her coaching, I was able to gain representation with a second gallery which led me to double my sales and have my first public sculpture installed…Bridgette sensed when my career was at the tipping point, and helped me set ambitious but achievable goals so that I could take my career to the next level.  As a direct result of her constant encouragement to market my work and pursue every avenue, I have 3 solo shows and 10 group shows scheduled for this year.  She is simply amazing and I highly working with her and her programs!"

Michele Kishita, Philadelphia, PA

"I’m so incredibly grateful for Bridgette Mayer and her ongoing mentorship—she helped change the trajectory of my art practice and my life. In June 2016, I attended her first workshop and quickly realized that there were so many actions I should have been taking professionally but wasn’t. As result of that one workshop, I shifted my thinking and energy, redefined my practice, and within three weeks sold five paintings and received a solo exhibition, and in four months had $10,000 in my savings account. Her individualized, no-nonsense approach to coaching pushed me to realize my potential, all the while being supportive and treating my success as her own. I have continued to work with Bridgette for seven years, and my accomplishments have been staggering, having secured eight solo exhibitions and numerous group exhibitions; been selected for residencies in New Mexico, St. Petersburg, Russia, and Skagastrond, Iceland; made sales in the hundreds of thousands; acquired a 1560 sq ft. studio, and purchased my first house. Bridgette put me on the path to financial independence. It was not easy to face my debt and address my financial health. There was a lot of crying and resistance, but Bridgette helped me to move outside the shame and discomfort. The work is ongoing—there is always something more that can be done so that I can continue to build and be successful. Bridgette Mayer’s coaching helped me feel confident and able to sustain my practice and continue to grow. Investing in coaching and the Art MBA was the best decision I’ve made for my career and my financial future. "

A Look Inside 

Who, What, Where on Selling Your Art

Get ready to identify who to sell your art to and where to find them. This journey will include listing building and how to research for the right clients as well as how to track clients and sales. We will get into how to market as this ties into your sales work and 'being seen' and we will have a brief discussion on your price list and pricing your art.

The nuts and bolts of the sales process

We will do a deep dive on the sales process and learn how to successfully move through this process down to handling objections when they come up, doing mockups, sales scripting and creating newsletters.

How to conduct a sales call - warm and cold calls

I will take you on a journey of how to conduct a warm and cold sales call and you will apply the lesson of writing a sales script to making your calls! You will get to listen to the instructor doing sales call work and also watch her do two live sessions with artists doing a warm and cold sales call.

Let's create our Marketing/Event Schedule for the year!

This module will go through how to schedule your marketing and events for the entire year as well as using your sales 'map' to do daily sales work. This will get you revved up to seek out opportunities and identify why this work is important for you personally.


Connect with Art Buyers 

Most artists have a tough time understanding who might want to buy their art, who they might sell it to and how to start list building to connect with art buyers. This course will lead you through how to build an effective email list and potential client list to market to and how to approach them in different ways to sell your art.

Implement A Sales Process

Do you know that sales have a beginning, a middle, an end and then a follow-up to get the next sale or interest? Learn the sales process and what each stage is and how to approach clients at each stage to have sales success.

Make Effective Sales Calls 

Most artists do not know the 'art' of a great warm or cold call to attract interest to sell their art. Learn how to script and make great calls even if you are not comfortable doing it! You will have all the tools to keep working on this for years to come! Additionally, how to craft great emails to motivate your contact to purchase will also be covered!




One Payment

  • 21+ Training Modules - you get immediate access to the core training modules to learn all aspects of selling your art including: who and where to sell your art, list building marketing, pricing your art, the sales process, handling objections, creating mockups, sales scripting, email newsletters, conducting sales calls, how to seek out opportunities and planning your marketing to sell for the entire year.
  • 65+ Page Course Workbook and checklist- download a printable guide to support you as you watch the training modules
  • BONUS: Toolkit Files - these plug ‘n play files make getting started even easier
Join Us


Sales Class For Artists: How To Sell Your Art

Learn all aspects of selling your art including:

  • Who and where to sell your art
  • List building marketing
  • Pricing your art
  • Proven sales process
  • Handling objections
  • Creating mockups
  • Sales scripting
  • Email newsletters
  • Conducting sales calls
  • How to seek out opportunities 
  • Planning your marketing to sell for the entire year.
Yes, I want to sell my art!

What My Students Are Saying

Tom Evans

"Bridgette has created a vast repository of guidance, which she delivers in the form of books, courses and personal guidance, to help dispel the myth and stereotype of the impoverished artist. If you are struggling to get your art out into the world, her work is a shining beacon of hope. You will discover many practical tips on marketing and pricing as well as assistance on the psychological barriers of the fear and even embarrassment of popping your head above the parapet. Seek her out if you want your art to the found. "

Ray Beldner

"I had the good fortune to work with Bridgette Mayer as an artist coach, and her advice proved invaluable. Bridgette helped me set ambitious goals, plan a successful sales campaign, and get organized. With her extensive knowledge of the art industry and experience as a gallerist, she offered valuable insights that broadened my understanding and approach to the professional aspect of my art practice. Bridgette's careful guidance and accountability were instrumental in propelling my growth and keeping me focused and motivated. In addition, her warm and compassionate demeanor made working with her an absolute pleasure. I highly recommend Bridgette Mayer to any artist seeking to elevate their practice and achieve their full potential. "

Robin Maria Pedrero

"I was fortunate to have been in a Bridgette Mayer Mastermind group. I had been following and more importantly, taking action on all of Bridgette’s classes filled with advice. She generously had one on one calls and communications with each of us in the Mastermind group. I had a solo exhibition upcoming. Part of her coaching involved communication during my preparation for my opening reception weekend. I excitedly shared what I had executed for marketing, and she told me specific steps to utilize to get my collectors, VIPs, and the community to my exhibition. I followed through as instructed. I shared a video of my installation with Bridgette. She surprised me by saying I should share it on social media. Before the opening? I was unsure as I did not want to give away all before the show, but in confidence, I did exactly what she advised. My show attendance and sales were a smashing success! The video gained the attention of a long-time acquaintance who I’d formed a relationship with on social media. The acquaintance was a gallery owner who had decided on 4 of my large originals instantaneously. I excitedly placed red dots on all of the sold pieces before my opening night and would ship these after the show. Collectors traveled just for the show, and left with several pieces. I gained new collectors locally. The image used in the marketing was popular, in fact, one couple commissioned me to create a much larger similar piece for their home. The arts community applauded the success of my show. I am so truly grateful for Bridgette’s expertise. This relationship is so special and her counsel is unforgettable. "


Still don't have the answers you were looking for? Feel free to contact me [email protected]

Let Me In Already!

Nice to meet you!

Bridgette Mayer is the author of four books, Art MBA: The Life-Changing Guide to Creating a Successful Art Career, Art MBA: Mindset, The Modern Artist’s Way and The Art Cure. She is the founder of the online educational program for artists and creatives, Art MBA. Mayer is an art dealer and art consultant with locations in Philadelphia and Orlando, Florida.

She opened Bridgette Mayer Gallery on Philadelphia's historic Washington Square in 2001. She represents artists from Philadelphia and beyond, specializing in contemporary painting, sculpture and photography. The gallery also deals in secondary market artwork sales and private and corporate consulting which includes public art projects and commissioned artworks. Mayer has curated numerous projects around the United States and most recently completed a 1M public art project in the City of Philadelphia.

Bridgette Mayer Gallery has been featured on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 as a small business "On The Rise" and was recognized as a recommended Philadelphia arts destination in The New York Times Magazine. Mayer was also named one of the top 500 Galleries in the world by Boulin Art Info, and was also featured in the Tory Burch Foundation’s “Women To Watch” series. Mayer has been a featured speaker on many panels in the Philadelphia area and has guest lectured at a number of Universities. A graduate of Bucknell University, Mayer was an active member of the University's Arts Board for several years.




One Payment

  • 21+ Training Modules - you get immediate access to the core training modules to learn all aspects of selling your art including: who and where to sell your art, list building marketing, pricing your art, the sales process, handling objections, creating mockups, sales scripting, email newsletters, conducting sales calls, how to seek out opportunities and planning your marketing to sell for the entire year.
  • 65+ Page Course Workbook and checklist- download a printable guide to support you as you watch the training modules
  • BONUS: Toolkit Files - these plug ‘n play files make getting started even easier
Join Us


Sales Class For Artists: How To Sell Your Art

Learn all aspects of selling your art including:

  • Who and where to sell your art
  • List building marketing
  • Pricing your art
  • Proven sales process
  • Handling objections
  • Creating mockups
  • Sales scripting
  • Email newsletters
  • Conducting sales calls
  • How to seek out opportunities 
  • Planning your marketing to sell for the entire year.
Yes, I want to sell my art!